Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our House is a Very Very Very Fine House....

Ok, I did it!  I took the leap.  I bought a house!  That's my excuse for not blogging in so long.  I have been having fun arranging things how I like it and planting a garden!  I think I may have gotten a little overexcited about the garden though and tried to plant too much in too little space.  Everything is so big and I am constantly trying to trim and coax leaves away from other plants so everyone can share the sunlight and water.  Maybe it is the plants who are overexcited? 
Squash, squashing my cucumbers.

I have learned in the last month that summer squash and yellow squash really have no regard whatsoever for the happiness of cucumbers.  They don't think twice of growing all over them just because the cucumbers took a little longer to figure out what they were in dirt for.  I have also learned that peas really love to climb and if you don't give them something to climb on early enough, they will just wrap their little viney fingers around everything and strangle them. 

Yes, this is one tomato plant.
So many other lessons.  Next year, I will plant my yellow boy tomato in a big 'ole barrel pot all by himself.  He just can't play nice. My poor peppers are being knocked all around.

Oh, and one other important one....when you buy cheap seeds, what is pictured on the front of the package, is not always what is in the package.  I currently have some sort of salad mix in my garden that I just really don't like.  It is quite spicy and chewy.  Thank goodness Elvis, the guinea pig, likes it and he can just eat his fill.  I won't be replanting it next year. 

Roma tomatoes.  That's why they are funny looking...I think.

My cherry tree!

I also thoughtfully thinned my neighbors raspberries and took some for myself.  (She said I could.  I'm not in the habit of sneaking into neighbors back yards and digging up their plants for myself!)  I also planted blackberries and blueberries.  They are beautiful though I won't have fruit until hopefully next summer. 


Oh, and I have strawberries!  Yay strawberries!  And two cherry trees.  I was hoping, of course, that they were Flathead cherries, since I am right here, but I believe they are pie cherries of some sort.  That's fine too.  I will definitely use them!  So much fun!  So glad I have summers off!